LeagueAS 135 Installation guides

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Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted
Jun 7, 2001
LeagueAS 135 Installation Guid


Server installation requires all 3 packages. Installation then proceeds as follows:

1. Extract all three of the above packages (each contains a .u and .int, 6 files total) into your UT's system directory.
2. Open your UnrealTournament.ini file in a text editor (or the .ini you use for your server) and locate the [Engine.GameEngine] section.
a. Change the line that reads "ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery" so that it reads "ServerActors=LeagueAS-SP.ServerQuery".
b. Change all lines that read "ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink <master server adress>" so that they read "ServerActors=LeagueAS-SP.ServerUplink <master server adress>", by default there are 3 of these for "unreal.epicgames.com", "master0.gamespy.com" and "master.mplayer.com", although you may have added your own (note: master.mplayer.com is no longer active so you can feel free to delete this one).
c. Add the following line "ServerPackages=LeagueAS-CP".
3. Modify the batch file or script (or FireDaemon settings) you use to launch the server so that the command line is "ucc server AS-Mazon.unr?game=LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault", substituting XXX for the main package version number you are using (you can also change the map you want to launch your server on).
4. Fire up your server.

Note: By default League Assault's ServerUplink class had DoUpLink set to True, this means that your server will advertise itself to the master servers by default. If you do not wish to advertise your server logon to the server as admin and type "admin set LeagueAS-SP.ServerUplink DoUplink False".


To play on a League Assault server you do not need to do any installation, however to play League Assault offline or to access League Assault's client options you will need to perform some level of client installation.

- Client Package Installation:

*WARNING: If you have previously installed the LeagueASBrowser you should delete the LeagueASBrowser.u and .int files from your UT's system directory first.*

Client package installation allows you to access League Assault's options window, and make use of the enhanced server browser, it is recommend ALL frequent League Assault players should perform the client package installation:
  • 1. Download and extract the client package (LeagueAS-CP.u and .int) into your UT's system directory.
  • 2. Open your UnrealTournament.ini file in a text editor and locate the [UBrowserAS] section. Modify this section so that is looks exactly as follows:


    NOTE: If you copy & paste from your browser ensure there are no spaces at the end of the lines.
  • 3. Start UT. You should now be able to access League Assault's options from the Mod menu and have a new "Assault - Populated" tab in the server browser.
- Offline Play Installation:

To play League Assault offline (or to launch your own private lan servers) you should follow the client package installation above and in addition download and extract the Server (LeagueAS-SP) and Main (LeagueASXXX) packages to your UT's system directory.
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Features: Game Play

Client Side Hack Protection & Bug/Cheat fixes (124+)

League Assault includes an enhanced version of CSHP v1.7.29. In addition to the standard features CSHP offers, League Assault also includes:

* CenterView tracking (129+).
* Admin, Moderator & God Mode status tracking (129+).
* Multi-Weapon bug/cheat fix (130+).
* Change Teams bug/cheat fix (129+).
* Grab command disabled.
* After time map completion bug fix (129+).
* Invisible Players / Commanders bug/cheat fix (129+).
* Rogue Actor Scanning (132+).
* Fixed CSHP's FOV bug (134+)
* Netspeed Monitoring and Change Prevention (135+).

Extended Say/TeamSay Commands
Say & TeamSay commands now support the following new parameters. Place these parameters in your text and they will be replaced with the corresponding values. e.g. TeamSay I have %HEALTH% Health will be sent to your team mates as "I have 54 Healh" (if you had 54 health).

%LOCATION% - Inserts your current map location if known, else the closest objective.
%HEALTH% - Inserts your current health.
%ARMOUR% - Inserts your current armor amount.
%WEAPON% - Inserts the current weapon your are holding.
%AMMO% - Insert the ammo count of the current weapon your are holding.
%MYNAME% - Inserts your name.
%MYTEAM% - Inserts your team's name (colour).
%ENEMYTEAM% - Inserts the opposing team's name (colour).
%OBJECTIVE% - Inserts the name of the nearest objective.
%NEARESTTEAMMATE% - Inserts the name of your nearest team mate.

Note: Versions prior to v132 used seperate AdvancedSay and AdvancedTeamSay command to make use of the above parameters, these have now been integrated into UT standard Say & TeamSay commands under League Assault.

ThrowArmour Command

This new command allows you to throw some or all of your armor in the same way you would your weapon. This allows you to share your armor with your team mates. Executing this command with no parameter will throw the lowest rated armor you are carrying (Order rating: Thigh Pads -> Chest Armor -> Shield Belt). Alternatively you can add a parameter value 1, 2 or 3 after to throw a specific armor item (1:Thigh Pads, 2:Chest Armor, 3:Shield Belt).

v132+ Allow ThrowArmor instead.

ChangeTeams Command
Executing the ChangeTeams command will change a players current team to the opposing team.

ToggleMute Command
The ToggleMute command allows message muting. There are 3 options:

1. Mute OFF.
2. Mute ENEMY Messages.
3. Mute ALL Messages.

If a player has mute on it will show next to his name on the scoreboard.

Echo Command
Executing the Echo command relays the selected text to your console.

ShowMatchScore Command
The ShowMatchScore command will display the score during a match.

Spawn Protection

Players are granted a limited period of invulnerability when they spawn. Attackers get 4 seconds of invulnerability, defenders 2 second.

Added (129+): Flashing Health Status on HUD when spawn protection is active, warning in console when spawn protection wears off.

Improved Scoreboard
The scoreboard has been improved to show:

* An individual players packet loss as well as ping.
* An individual players netspeed.
* Team ping & packet loss.
* A complete objective listing including the status of each (completed / uncompleted) and if completed by whom.

Improved HUD (120+)
The HUD has been improved to show:

* Your packet loss and ping.
* Team Sizes (or match score during a match).
* A complete team listing with location, weapon, health, armour and weapon of each team mate.
* A complete objective listing including the status of each (completed / uncompleted) and if completed by whom.
* Remaining Map Time or Elapsed Map Time (Elapsed 129+ Only).

Extended HUD may be toggled on/off with ToggleExtendedHUD and individual features may be toggled with ToggleExtendedHUDItems command or through editing the LeagueASXXX.LeagueAS_HUD section of your user.ini. HUD font size may be toggled with ToggleExtendedHUDFont command and through .ini editing.

Spawn with Dual Enforcers
All players now spawn with Dual Enforcers instead of the previous single Enforcer.

Auto Cannon Health Reduced
All auto-cannons have had their health reduced from 220 to 100.

Changes to Spawn Point Selection System (124+)
The spawn point selection system has been changed so that it no longer considers the players in the same zone or within sight of the spawn point a factor. Spawn point priority is now (from lowest to highest):

1. Any Spawn point which will cause a telefrag.
2. The last used spawn point.
3. All other spawn points.

Changes to Attacking Team Selection System (124+)
The attacking team selection system has been changed so that it is no longer the first player onto the server that decides which team attacks first but instead the team that won the last round is the team which attacks first.

Pause Fixes (130+)

Fixed a few bugs that UT suffers from when the game is paused:

* Console will continue to update while paused (and wont get stuck once its full so you can't read messages anymore).
* Client timers (remaining & elapsed) will continue to work correctly once the game becomes unpaused (previously they would go into catch up mode trying to catch up with the level time which doesn't pause and therefore get out of sync with the actually remaining time).

FortStandard Fixes (132+)

Fixed Fortstandards (Objectives) blocking tracehit weapons.

Auto Pausing (130+)

During a Match the server will auto pause the game if at any point during the game one of the teams loses a player:

* Each Team has a maximum amount of pause time per match as set by the servers MaxPauseTime setting.
* Players may request pause time manually even if a team has not lost a player by executing the RequestPause command.
* Players may cancel a pause that was either started automatically or manually using the CancelPause command.

Features: Server / Admin

Game Parameters
The following game parameters can be found under the [LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault] section of the unrealtournament.ini or can be set using the set command.

bMatchMode (boolean) (false): Indicates whether the server is in match mode or not. Whilst in match mode the server will keep track of the scores, start each map after a preset time or once everyone has toggled ready, logout all admins and moderators (see below) at the start of a map, set both teams so that they may be no bigger than 1/2 the max number of players, disable team changing and disable practice mode (see below). SHOULD NOT BE SET MANUALLY USE StartMatch COMMAND.

bPracticeMode (boolean) (false): Indicates whether the server is in practice mode or not. Practice mode makes all players invulnerable and allows them to execute the SummonItem command to summon any item from the botpack package. SHOULD NOT BE SET MANUALLY USE TogglePracticeMode COMMAND.

bAttackOnly (boolean) (false): Indicates that the server should only play 1 round of each map, only 1 team gets the chance to attack after the attack is complete the server switches to the next map.

bStandardise (boolean) (true): Indicates whether or not to force standard game speed, air control etc settings.

bAdminNameScore (boolean) (false): Indicates whether to show the match score under the servers Admin Name option, allows the match score to be shown on a web site etc using programs such as qstat. If no match is in progress it will display they value of PublicString if the server is not passworded and PrivateString if it is.

bServerNameScore (boolean) (false) (129+): Indicates whether to append the match score to the server name. If no match is in progress it will display they value of PublicString if the server is not passworded and PrivateString if it is.

bServerNameGameType (boolean) (false) (133+): Indicates whether to prefix the server name with StdAS (for 0% FF, normal weapons), ProAS (for 100$ FF, normal weapons) or iAS (for InstaGIB of InstaGIB Assault).

bEnableCSHP (boolean) (true) (124+): Indicates whether or not CSHP should be enabled. Should only be set to false if you wish to use a separate version of CSHP.

bngStatsCompatibility (boolean) (true) (129+): Forces ngStats compatibility with standard Assault.

bAutoPausing (boolean) (true) (130+): Activates auto pausing when server is in match mode. When auto pausing is active the server will pause the game when the teams are uneven. There is a maximum pause time for each team per match set by MaxPauseTime.

MaxPauseTime (integer) (180) (130+): The maximum number of seconds the server will pause the game for if the teams become uneven per team, per match.

PauseLeadInOutTime (integer) (5) (132+): Sets the countdown time leading into and out of an auto pause.

PrivateString (string) (LOCKED - PRIVATE) (133+): See bAdminNameScore & bServerNameScore above.

PublicString (string) (OPEN - PUBLIC) (133+): See bAdminNameScore & bServerNameScore above.

MatchLength (integer) (14): The length in maps of a match.

FirstMapStartTime (integer) (300): The time in seconds the first map should force start after the StartMatch command has been executed.

SubsequentMapStartTime (integer) (60): The time in seconds each subsequent map should force start.

TeamNameRed (string) (Red): The team name for the red team (used only if bMatchMode is true).

TeamNameBlue (string) (Blue): The team name for the blue team (used only if bMatchMode is true).

ModeratorPassword (string) (moderator): The password required to login as moderator (see below).

MatchPasswordRed (string) (): The password required to join the red team (used only if bMatchMode is true).

MatchPasswordBlue (string) (): The password required to join the blue team (used only if bMatchMode is true).

MatchPasswordSpec (string) (): The password required to join as a spectator (used only if bMatchMode is true).

Client Side Hack Protection (CSHP) Parameters

The following Client Side Hack Protection parameters can be found under the [LeagueASXXX.HackProtection] section of the unrealtournament.ini or can be set using the set command

SecurityLevel (int) (1): Indicates what CSHP should do if it encounters a hack. 0 = Log Only, 1 = Kick Player, 2 = Kick & Ban Player.

SecurityFrequency (float) (2.0): Sets how often the server should call the client to ensure hack protection is still active.

SecurityTolerance (float) (60.0): Sets how long after a call a client may be overdue before it is kicked.

ScanForRogues (int) (1): Sets whether or not to scan for Rogue Actors. 0 = No Scanning, 1 = Selective Scanning, 2 = Full Scanning.

bTrackFOV (bool) (true): Sets whether or not to allow FOV cheats to set FOV < 80.

bTrackCV (bool) (true): Indicates whether or not to allow Center View, if true anyone using centerview will be warned and killed.

Advertise (int) (0): Adds [CSHP] to the servername. 0 = None, 1 = Prefix, 2 = Suffix.

bOnlyAdminKick (bool) (true): Indicates whether only admins can use the "mutate cheatkick" command.

bNGStatsOnly (bool) (false): Indicates whether or not to only allow ngstats registered players.

bAllowNoSmoke (bool) (false): Indicates whether or not to allow the NoSmoke mutator.

bUseCSHPLog (bool) (false): Instructs CSHP to create sperate log files.

bFastTeams (bool) (true): Activates CSHP's rapid team change commands.

MaxInitTries (int) (15): Sets the number of attempts the server will attempt to connect to the client to initiate hack protection before the client is kicked.

bAdminWarn (int) (1): Warn all players if Administrator or Moderator is logged in. 0 = No Warning, 1 = During Matches Only, 2 = Warn at all times.

Admin Commands
The following commands may be executed by a server admin only and must be proceeded by the admin command (e.g admin StartMatch):

StartMatch: Requires that Tournament Mode be active. Resets the scores and initiates a new match. The first map will start after a period of time designated by FirstMapStartTime and each subsequent map after a period of time designated by SubsequentMapStartTime. The match will end after MatchLength maps at which point the server will pause not restarting the map and will disable match mode. The admin should then simply change/restart the map to return it to normal play.

EndMatch: Instructs the server to terminate the match after the current map is complete.

ResetTeamNames: Rests the team names to "Red" and "Blue".

TogglePracticeMode: Toggles practice mode on and off.

StopCountDown: Stops the game timer.

VoidMapRed & VoidMapBlue: Each command removes 1 point from the respective teams score during a match, used to correct the score if a map played needs to be voided.

ShowMatchLog (120+): Returns a list of logged match results.

ClearMatchLog (120+): Clears the match log.

Client Side Hack Protection (CSHP) Commands

The following commands are included as part of CSHP:

mutate cheatkick: Kicks any active cheaters.

mutate cheatshow: Shows any active cheaters.

mutate cheatinfo: Displays a list of CSHP settings.

mutate cheattest (admin only): De-activates Hack Protection for player.

Server Moderators
Players may login/logout as moderator (with the correct password designated by the ModeratorPassword parameter). A player logged in as moderator will have his/her name shown in green. Moderators may execute some commands previously restricted to admins only:

ModeratorLogin <password>: Logs a player in as a moderator.

ModeratorLogout: Logs out a moderator.

Moderator <command>: Executes a command as a moderator. Valid commands are servertravel, kick, summon and stopcountdown.

Built In Mutators (129+)

The League Assault server packages has a number of built in mutators:

* Anti-Hammer Launch. Disables the ability to hammer launch your team mates.
* Anti-Rocket Launch. Disables the ability to rocket launch your team mates.
* Map Voting. A simple mutator which allows the players to vote for the maps they want to play.
* InstaGIB Assault. Replaces the Super Shock Rifle with one that fires team coloured beams. (133+)
Extended Features
There are some extended server features I will not document here which are designed to be integrated into league specific systems, if you are a league admin or server admin and wish to know more about these features please feel free to contact me.

Features: Map Specific Alterations & Fixes


* Fixed Air Vent spawn block exploit.
* Removed 1 shock ammo and 1 rocket pack from each side of the observation lounge.
* Replaced shock ammo in air vents with health vial.
* Added thigh pads to each air vent.
* Added anti spawn camping auto cannon to defenders first spawn zone.


* Removed buggy laser fence.


* Fixed Generator sniper shot exploit.
* Fixed both door blocking exploits.


* Fixed final objective box exploit without significantly reducing the collision area of the objective making it more difficult to complete.


* Flak Ammo re-spawn time reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.
* Under pier spawn point removed.
* Compressor health increased.


* Replaced Pulse Rifle with Minigun Ammo.


* Removed all flak ammo.


* Removed Minigun autocannon.


* Gate block exploit fixed.


* Replaced Attackers Pulse Rifle with Minigun.


* Removed all AI fish.


* Flag shot exploit fixed.
* Added 2 minigun ammo packs to landing craft with re-spawn time of 5 seconds each.
* Mortar fire rate reduced to 8 seconds and damage reduced to 100.
* Removed teleporter exit objective trigger.


* Removed Steel boxes in main entrance.


* Library door block exploit fixed.

LeagueAS-SP(v135c).zip 135c Server Side Package: Installed and runs only on the server ONLY.

LeagueAS-MP(v135).zip 135 Main Package: Installed and runs on the server and client.

LeagueAS-CP(v100).zip 100 Client Package: Installed on the server and client but runs ONLY on the client.

Add Ons:
LeagueAS-Reporter(v102).zip 102 A modified version of the UT Reporter mod for League Assault. Allows match reporting to IRC. Server Install ONLY!

LeagueAS-Bindings(v100).zip 100 Adds binding options for League Assault to the Preferences->Controls window in UT. Client Install Only!



  • LeagueAS-SP(v135c).zip
    13.8 KB · Views: 1
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    60.4 KB · Views: 0
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