It finally dawned on me...

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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I must admit, even tho the answer was starring straight at me, with those evil eyes, vicious grin, barking and snarling at me from the corner where it was hiding the sneaky lil' bastard...(I hate that) I figured it out now... (die you lil' freak, get, get!!) You guys have been spending way too much time playing D&D when you were younger right? (piss off, don't look at me that way, you freak!!)
hehehe, well I thought of mentioning it as (a)d&d but forgot again, much as I thought then, any MERPs? awesome system imho...
NOT mud

MUD = Multi User Dungeon.

RPG on telnet, or as many use instead Zmud because of the scripting possibilites.