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btw if u are wondering how ppl got a hold of the hammerlaunch bind me and Equalisatium(formally ION now BOD made it, he also helped with with the zoom alias, ie the being able to toggle it on and off the zoom, then it was stolen from >ION< at Lan partys once from Neo's computer where Terminater MI5 and some SUYM got it and once before that in the last Lan party from Fear or some1, yeah pissed me off big time, this bind took like 30 hours total with testing it, and then u gotta add the hammerlaunch itself finding all the variables which @#%$ it up, it is about as easy with or without the bind, but once u have 'acquired' the bind u know what the main trick is and the perfect angle, and don't go saying u found it out urself because I have seen it from a few ppl who I know and trust who got it from some1 else and it is almost exactly the same only thing removed was the teamsay hammerlaunch | teamsay hammerlaunch | teamsay hammerlaunch
for obvious reasons

when we first started using this bind in clanmatches we taked with utassault saying we had it and gave Cne the commands needed to make one which was something like 4 months ago
so for those of you who got it from some1, now u know how it was originally 'acquired'.

so here are some binds


Aliases[36]=(Command="set tournamentplayer alookup -220 | getweapon impacthammer | toggle bduck | Button bFire | Fire | onrelease set tournamentplayer alookup 188 | speech 4 9 0 | Teamsay HAMMERLAUNCH | Teamsay HAMMERLAUNCH | Teamsay HAMMERLAUNCH",Alias=launch)

set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 90
replace the 90 with a value : 90 is default and 10 is about x9 zoom

this is my personal zoom bind I made but don't use cos u can't c what is happening around u ate the time

Aliases[25]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 10 | set input
PageDown FOVChange",Alias=FOVChange2)
Aliases[26]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 90 | set input
PageDown FOVChange2",Alias=FOVChange)


then bind fovchange to a key and on the first press u will zoom in and on
the 2nd press it will go back to normal. this is zoom in x9, replace pagedown in all 3 places with teh bttn u use

BehindView 1 | set tournamentplayer desiredfov 150 | onrelease BehindView 0
| onrelease set tournamentplayer desiredfov 90

look round cornors : stand next to the cornor and turn 90 degrees, hold down while u wnat to look round the cornor

Aliases[31]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 50 | set input 5 zoom2",Alias=Zoom)
Aliases[32]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 30 | set input 5 zoom3",Alias=zoom2)
Aliases[33]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 90 | set input 5 zoom",Alias=zoom3)

and 5=zoom, replace 5 with whatever u use to zoom, this is x2 x3 andback to normal

my hammerjump bind
Aliases[27]=(Command="onrelease jump | onrelease fire",Alias=jumpfire)

B=getweapon impacthammer | fire | jumpfire

binded to b which is just above my jump button, you never jump while you are hammerlaunching anyway

and here are a few more of mine that are not good for gameplay just usefull

Aliases[29]=(Command="suicide | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire",Alias=Die2)

then bind a key to Die2, press it to suicide and respawn quick, I think it is fixed in Eavy's mod and in 432, not sure

summon ut_eightball
summon rocketpack
summon healthpack
set pawn health 1000 // this gives all players and objectives 1000 health
slomo 4
slomo 1 | walk file:/ /back to normal
iamtheone | god | loaded | allammo
setname myname_afk | Say I'll be back in a sec
GreySlash=setname ninja~=D=~*$t@r* // press this after level and b4 next
level, if u have better ping the stat cheats name will turn into player6 :)
Alt=Say oops wrong button
MoveBackward | Taunt wave // dance around, use on all bttns to be a hard
target for snipers, but this will mess up the guy trying to launch u, I
could get a bind to turn dancing on and off if u want.
Say my ICQ # is x
F5=ViewTeam | behindview 0 // will get and upside down or @#%$ed up view sometimes after the player u are watching gets headshotted, just reconnect when this happens
Cancel | disconnect // hit this a few times to make sure u are disconnected
Say brb, icq | EndFullscreen
Say I'll switch | MenuCmd 2 1 // change team

stuff after // is just explanation

also check this site for other binds

and these, not so good ones

doh, forgot this one I updated

PageDown=BehindView 1 | set tournamentplayer desiredfov 150 | onrelease BehindView 0 | onrelease set tournamentplayer desiredfov 90 | onrelease set input 5 Zoom | onrelease set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 90

this looks round corners but also works if I tap it to zoom out and set my other zoom bttn to default 90 on next press, although I never zoom in when sniping anyway, the aim when zooming is always a bit off, that's why u have to sometimes are for the neck to get headshots
wondered why you hadnt been posting everywhere, you'd been writing all this out :lol:

how long did this take you?

i just quickly glanced through it, dont like big posts, i have no attention span
anyway did you miss this one out?

Aliases[27]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 5 | set input Ctrl Zoom",Alias=Zoom1)
Aliases[28]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn DesiredFOV 90 | set input Ctrl Zoom1",Alias=Zoom)
just looking at your post, its actually been nicked off you as well
didn't take me that long, had all the binds with basic explanation in a .txt that I sent to all members in clan, just added a bit moe explanation and the long story :)
meanwhile had like 30 icqs asking me questions :)
I have a bind for turning dancing on or off. It's big and took a while for me to figure out.

Put these aliases in your user.ini file. You can't go past alias #39. Of course modify the aliases to pick the taunts you want(thrust, taunt1, victory1, wave).

Aliases[33]=(Command="Button bFire | Fire | taunt thrust",Alias=TFire)
Aliases[34]=(Command="Button bAltFire | AltFire | taunt wave",Alias=TAltFire)
Aliases[35]=(Command="Jump | Axis aUp Speed=+300.0 | taunt wave",Alias=TJump)
Aliases[36]=(Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=-300.0 | taunt victory1",Alias=TLeft)
Aliases[37]=(Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=+450.0 | taunt thrust",Alias=TUp)
Aliases[38]=(Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=+300.0 | taunt wave",Alias=TRight)
Aliases[39]=(Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=-300.0 | taunt taunt1",Alias=TDown)

Create 2 text files in your ut/system folder.


filename : nobind.txt

set input LeftMouse fire
set input RightMouse altfire
set input Ctrl jump
set input Left StrafeLeft
set input Up moveforward
set input Right StrafeRight
set input Down MoveBackward
set input 9 exec wavebind.txt
teamsay off


filename : wavebind.txt

set input LeftMouse TFire
set input RightMouse TAltFire
set input Ctrl TJump
set input Left TLeft
set input Up TUp
set input Right TRight
set input Down TDown
set input 9 exec nobind.txt
teamsay on

The teamsay is optional I use it so that I can quickly tell if it's on or off.

Pick a key as a switch and give it this: exec nobind.txt
For me 9=exec nobind.txt so my 9 key toggles my binds on or off. Also make sure you change the "set input" in the two text files so that it uses your key.
l:lol: l I was gonna use something simular to siwtch between my my ctf ini and my as.ini file, but decided to go for a more simple solution

copy ur user.ini file and call it as.ini, leaving it in same folder
edit the as.ini file so ur bttns are set up for assault
do same for ctf.ini
copy the ut link and rename to utctf or something
right click on one of the links you just made and select properties, in the target box, after the filename, add a space, then
do same for as.ini

at one time I had one for to, lms, dm, as, ctf and one for admining servers
Hey, really like one of them Ace, and that's the team change bind :) TNX!

Terminator has never hammerlaunched me - many other Mi5 did so long before that LAN your talking about. (and yes, we are talking about the same hammerlaunch).

You are all to quick to throw around accusations Ace - many others could do that same mistake, and you might be targeted - so don't piss people off without a good reason please.

-={if you look behind that corner, you might se me! so?}=-FluidEye

since when do you need a bind for hammerlaunch ?
(not hammerjump, right ?)

I'm lost.
Do you have a bind to win the map without playing, only pressing some keys? :lol: :lol: :lol:

guess what Ace, i got that binds.txt file ;)

we do hammerlaunching our own way, well we try and we dont have a bind, thought we'd give yours a go, but cant do :(

anyway doesnt matter now everything is out in the open!

so you are saying that mi5 stole your bind you are PATHETIC!!!!! (you've taken some standard UT binds and said you've made em') WHO THE @#%$ NEEDS A BIND TO HAMMERLAUNCH!!!!!! bla bla bla perfect angle well i think if ya need make a bind to hammerlaunch you realy need pollish your skills.

PS:BTW why do you need you hammerlaunch bind when your lag slide bind works jus fine!!!

I've tried a hammer bind, nothing more. I don't use it now cuz I don't like it ;) . Binds isn't true skill and you can flame me for that on icq 68012321. Thank you .

Cenotaph - there is always one prick who has to moan or make a snide comment about something! All Ace is saying is that he spent time working out the bind and all the angles for it! and i would hardly call the bind a standard UT bind :lol: To me standard UT bind is something like...cant be arsed making a proper one cos i should be doing my college assessment :p anyway, standard bind is like Alias=fire on release jump!

I couldnt cope with out my hammerjump bind though, with the lag i get i cant pull it off ;)

you are PATHETIC!!!!!
PS:BTW why do you need you hammerlaunch bind when your lag slide bind works jus fine!!!

well if you use lagslide then you are the pathetic one!!
As for the hammer bind

Sure all the components are the basic ones, but how they are put together, which are the onrelease commands which are not, how to put the hammer at a specific altitude each time and so on, that aint basic, that is what takes time, and getting the idea of how to string it together takes even more time. Then there is testing to get the right values.

Sure the finished product are a basic bind, but getting that far aint. As for the values, any value from 183-191 are within what would be considered fair values, just that 188 have the best blend of height, and the ability to stand in front of the person with the hammer without getting hit.

As for the -220 it is just to put it at absolutely negative, actualy it were changed later to -200. So what am I saying, just that those 2 values that are used 188 and -220 could have been any value from 183-191 and (-190) or bellow. Now is that a coincidence the bind that were spread had the two values of excact -220 and a 188 I doubt it.

As we found out -220 had a bug now and then, and were changed to a higher value (-200) to fix it. So sure the chance are there that the excact values were used and the 2 binds were found by different persons, but the chance of it are slim.

Now the next question are, how did the bind get out?

Well I have no idea, but the LAN party seems to me to be a reasonable suggestion for the place. Now SUYM if I understood it right, do not have the bind, so that excludes them from being the "thieves". So what Sherlock would say, my dear Dr. Watson, when all other possibilities except 1 are excluded the last option must be the correct, however unlikely it may seem.
Re: As for the hammer bind

lol you ION give yourselves tooooooo much credit WHO the @#%$ wants your lame hammerlaunch bind. That's so ION braging about some lame @#%$, like wow i invented the hammergaylaunch script.
Re: As for the hammer bind

we are saying we invented and yes seems many clans now use it, so yes they want it, would u sneak to some1s computer wjhen they wnet for a pizza, search for their user.ini file and go to all that trouble if u didn't want it ?
and EQ : SUYM do have the bind, just don't knwo how to use it, u know how long it takes to explain some1 how to use it