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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. E


    I'll be back I'm gonna write a JAVA program that will count it for me, just gimme some time, but I'll do it
  2. E

    2 can play that game

    No ordinary woodchuck Yes, but this is no ordinary woodchuck, this is Wood the woodchuck. Do you know Wood the woodchuck? The question is not how much wood would a woodchuck chuck no no no, the question is: How much wood would Wood the woodchuck chuck?
  3. E

    2 can play that game

    but if... but if Wood the woodchuck could chuck wood and would chuck wood how much wood would Wood the woodchuck chuck?
  4. E

    2 can play that game

    not chuck Wood the woodchuck would not chuck wood because woodchucks don't chuck wood
  5. E

    2 can play that game

    In reply to : if u notice this notice u will notice that this notice was not worth noticing....but if u dont notice this notice u will not notice that this notice is not worth noticing I'd have to say: How much wood does wood the woodchuck chuck?
  6. E


    Count I'd guess 75000 Now you'll have to count it back to see if I'm right Have fun