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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. iRoq


    78po5ADXMsI&hl This makes me sick. Patriotism keeps people, especially Americans, in their own self-centred bubble. Creating hatred towards the patriot and building barriers between nations. A union is strong; but only for the people inside the union, and who will the union consist of? All...
  2. iRoq

    The Smantie Appreciation Thread.

    For everyone who loves Smantie, we thank god for his presence. Ah men. I once had a great image here. We all know how much Smantie enjoys tugging at his nipples. :cool:
  3. iRoq

    I am NOT Malice

    I am Joe, a 16 year old caucasion, 5 Foot 10, short blonde/brown spikey haired male from LONDON. I don't know who the HELL Malice is so can we please stop FLAMING ME for someone who I am NOT. Thanks all, JOE!
  4. iRoq

    Hosting a Server

    Hi everyone, iRoq again. I want to set up a private server for me and a few friends to practice on, but I can't seem to I.) Advertise it globally or II.) Get anyone to connect... I'll post the details of my "Dedicated Launch Log" and UnrealTournament.ini, please can someone help me...
  5. iRoq

    Boosting myself ;)

    Spam time! :spam:
  6. iRoq

    HiSpeed Shortcut

    Hello I'm Joe, some of you may know me. I'm a bit of a noob, still getting into grips with the whole movement thing but I do have one query. In HiSpeed players are able to skip CAR 2 via the side skirting next to the crates, whenever I try I just fall perilously to my pathetic, painful...