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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. Master


    i smell
  2. Master

    look what i saw 0_o

    CK you always say "sita geeft me een stijve" now i know why
  3. Master


  4. Master

    i think of becomming a spammer

    i need training FFS i post almost nothing and if i do its 80% shit argh grrrrrrrrrrr help me plz
  5. Master

    to MONST3R

    hmmm monst3r why did you have to choose a gopku pic for site :( now ppl will think i joined CO, i had this shit before some1 called GoKu even with the capital K joined a 5th div clan and then every1 thought i was double clanning and shit, and since were both 16 and from holland...
  6. Master

    Get master to uta-london

    since my mom doesnt want me to go cause there will be all strangers to her so she doesnt really trust it so if you all would post and ask her if shed just let me go cuz your not 16 year old boys rapers
  7. Master

    sorry all

    im sorry about everything bad i sayd or have done especially towards cazzy a great fellow ;)
  8. Master

    comon cazman

    you fucking mofo, you wanna fight ? huh/ neem een trein naar hoogeveen ga met taxi naar nieuwlande cafe de dorpskern en kijk maar is hoe snel jij weer thuis bent stumper
  9. Master


    Bye mod i dont wanna bother eddy with this no longer so ill write it all here. FFS tekno plz shut the fuck up, i act normal towards you and you just keep on flaming man dont you just know when its enough ? and this all because you wanted to recruit a newB ? :cow: :annoyed:
  10. Master

    I B @ yourz forum

    ** CENSORED ** no spam here
  11. Master

    ISDN in holland :D

    does any1 know any flatrate providers in holland ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  12. Master

    Unreal 6flags ?

    does any1 have any interest in going 2 6flags with a whole group ??? like alton towers but in holland ?
  13. Master


    me and someother ppl have discovered a cheater his/her name is waldfee she/he is accused off using somesort offa radar
  14. Master

    i need driver

    hi i always have probs with UT when asteno loads i always enter l8 even when i run it under metal driver so now i want a driver that makes my daimond viper v770 card work properly can any1 supply me off a link or something for it ?
  15. Master

    o yeah

    i had 2 go for my moped certificate and had 2 faults wich is 3 under the max so i passed i can ride my scooter now :)
  16. Master


    test :cow: