Recent content by Viru$_Z

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. Viru$_Z


    LO UTAS scene........ don't forget SMB you are all wankers !!!! smb !! :moon2: :wanker:
  2. Viru$_Z

    Prometeus !

    OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday , GAYTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wanker: :sperm:
  3. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

    i can arrange a match if we got a team KAKA lol !!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :smb:
  4. Viru$_Z


    bsk :wanker:
  5. Viru$_Z

    Where's everyone?

    and you ? pld you make a reply......... :wanker:
  6. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  7. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  8. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  9. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

    ill never spam FFS èèèèèèèèèèèè :P
  10. Viru$_Z

    Where's everyone?

    muwhahaha :)
  11. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  12. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  13. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  14. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread

  15. Viru$_Z

    TNT Awesome Spamthread
