Recent content by -RD-

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. -RD-

    Lets start again

    :D What are they playing these days? UT or 2K4?
  2. -RD-

    New machine.

    Ainiin, säkin oot kesäisin himas? Pitää kävästä...asun vaan nykyisin tosiaan Riihimäellä, etten ihan tosta joutessani poikkee :D Pitää kattoo kun ajelen sielpäin, jos on valkonen bemari pihassa...
  3. -RD-

    New machine.

    Ei oo tullut sillain mieleen käydä, kun ei oo tullut pelailtua. Nytkin tuli mailiin joku jutska et joku oli sanonu jotain johonkin. Ja koska hain ton pärrän eilen, sitä on kiva hypettää sinnetänne. Se kun on ihku...
  4. -RD-

    New machine.

    Since, well, new computers are still so expensive, I figured I might as well do something else with all this spare money lying around. So now I have this little Fazer. Black. 2001 model. I, uhm, like it. A lot. That's about it, really. kthxbye.
  5. -RD-


    Job in Hämeenlinna. Shitty job, but it could(possibly likely might, maybe) pay well. Actually I wanted a job in Turku, because it sounds almost as funny as Janakkala, but turned out they didn't want me. Or did, but not bad enough :( There went the dream-job, dream-flat and the city full of...
  6. -RD-


    Meh -> Janakkala. Jes 'cos it sounds teh funneeh :D
  7. -RD-


    This place is still up? Just dropped by to say I'm not dead yet :D Even remember me? Well I remember you f0gh4ts :P Finished high school, went to the army, fractured a leg, got out of the army, and now I'm uhm...well, where I started, but much more unwell, might even install UT again if...
  8. -RD-

    Happy Birthday wint

    Bestest day to have a birthday, congrats!! :D
  9. -RD-


    Was pretty close here and there(damn mortars) but yeah, I finally made it :D Seems 2.12 was pretty busy day so congrats for everyone born years ago today :thumb:
  10. -RD-


    Mitä vihjaillaan, ettäkö minulla olisi jotain tekemistä ehkäpä oluen kanssa? Eheei... ;) Ainut vain että inssi meni torstaihin vaikka teoria menikin tossa aamulla läpi. Henkkareita kun ei puolta tusinaa kertaa oo kahden viime kesän aikana kysytty niin autoo sitä enää odotti :D No, torstaina...
  11. -RD-

    Once upon the time there was...

    "Are you absolutely sure that is the island that separates us and the Big Icy-Thing in the south?" asked Nuts from the Happy One. "Well duh, what else could it be?", replied Happy to that, "This is where we are, that is where the south is, and that is the big lake that separates us" pointed...
  12. -RD-

    Once upon the time there was...

    :lol: men ha(/o)n har inte broder :p:
  13. -RD-

    Spam Thread no. 2

    Ooh we have a well civilized one amongs us :nod:
  14. -RD-

    Things tb changed in this forum!

    Aren't you lucky, I just got these cookies for j00 :D [B] Sorry :(
  15. -RD-

    Things tb changed in this forum!

    I hope I didn't hear you say "cookies" in the mddle of a serious thread like this... And I only buy some if you buy christmas-magazines from my lil' sister :shout: Lo iggYman, last I saw you was on a public, Boomtown was it? :wave: