Recent content by Ligisten

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. Ligisten

    Bday Maber!

    jisses... inte visste ja att du hade pröjsat så många i ligan till å säga grattis till dej maber :P grattis ditt lilla luder :)
  2. Ligisten

    IAC 2007 Team Signup!!

    Ligisten Sweden Anywhere (flame officer) ts å vent Svek
  3. Ligisten

    European Assault Cup - 2005

    Ligisten - Sweden(anyteam) - anywhere :) - yes
  4. Ligisten

    IRC quote hall of fame

    noone burps as gayish as idle is what u ment sauron? :loaded:
  5. Ligisten

    IRC quote hall of fame

    but we love u anyway idle... not in a gayish kinda way but still love ;)
  6. Ligisten

    IRC quote hall of fame

    idle smells btw :rub:
  7. Ligisten

    Good Bye

    Hare så skoj i armén nu å se upp för dom biffiga killarna som gillar stjärtar i duschen ;) Du får ta å släpa ner röven till skåne nångång ditt slöa arsle så blire tok supa å bakis lirs :D
  8. Ligisten

    League matches and spawncamping

    what a coincidence Red ur mom said exactly the same thing the other day ;)
  9. Ligisten

    League matches and spawncamping

    first: it was u (i think) that choosed guardia in the first place so fo for that second: spanwcamping is allowed since u got spawnprotection third: u didnt defend guardia we got the tank forth: it was 7-1 and we didnt spawncamp on any other map so stop whining about one lousy map didnt do any...
  10. Ligisten

    Happy birthday Z3nix !!!!!!

    Grattis zenix :wave: ett år kvar sen ere krogen!! :3some:
  11. Ligisten

    Grattis på Födelsedagen Rastaman

    jaharu ett år äldre. snart dax för rullator å ålderdomshem då. grattis Rasta
  12. Ligisten

    Waht does ure gf/bf do while ure playing UT

    lol nicky :) d e så d ska se ut :love:
  13. Ligisten

    Natsi dajm tour

    luls där fick han så han teg :D Finland till Sverige där d hör hemma ;)
  14. Ligisten

    RiS baltic tour

    HAHAHA!! luls. bra där nutsy din fula finne :P
  15. Ligisten

    young people?

    why live old when u can die young?